[GCC-XML] gccxml support for MSVC11 vel MSVC2012
Krzysztof Czarnowski
2013-02-03 19:53:02 UTC

I'm new to the list and have tried to be a good citizen and find the answer
to my problem in the archives, but the link on
is dead :-( So it may be that this question has already been answered. In
such a case, sorry. However, searching the web---no solution so far.

What I'm trying to do is to parse VC++ header files and generate binary
data parsers for Python and C#. Seems quite simple and the hard part is C++
code parsing. I'm trying to use pygccxml/gccxml for this.

The installer found at
is already outdated so I've downloaded the latest git version of gccxml and
built it with CMake/MSVC11. So far so good. But then I can't configure it
for the compiler:
PS C:\Users\kczarnow\lib\gccxml-build\bin\Release> .\gccxml_vcconfig.bat
None of MSVC 6, 7, 7.1, 8, 9 or 10 is installed.

Basically two questions:
-- is support for version 11 of MS compiler already available somewhere?
-- even if it's not supported, since I think that for my simple task there
is no real difference between versions 11 and 10, maybe it is possible to
cheet a bit? Make gccxml use MSVC11 like MSVC10? (Yeah, I know, I could
install version 10, but this would be very inconvenient...)

I'll be gratefull for any helpful suggesttions,
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Brad King
2013-02-04 13:48:20 UTC
Post by Krzysztof Czarnowski
-- is support for version 11 of MS compiler already available somewhere?
No, there is an open issue here:


